Treatment and care


Treatment and care

WMC requires informed consent to undertake any type of procedures and treatments for the patient or patient’s next of kin or guardian except in case of a medical emergency. WMC understands that the patient coming to the medical center and registering to be seen by a doctor, s/he has consented to be treated at the medical center.


Each patient shall have the following patient rights among others:

  • To receive reasonable, respectful, and safe access to health services by competent personnel that the Specialty center is required to provide according to this standard.
  • To receive treatment and medical services without discrimination based on race, age, color, religion, ethnicity, national or social origin, sex, sexual preferences, handicap, diagnosis, source of payment, or another status;
  • To retain and exercise to the fullest extent possible all the constitutional and legal rights to which the patient is entitled by law;
  • To be informed of the names and functions of all medical practitioners and/ or other clinical practitioners who are providing direct care to the patient. These staff members shall identify themselves by introduction or by wearing a name tag;
  • To receive an explanation of his or her complete medical condition from the patient’s medical practitioner(s) or another clinical practitioner (s), recommended treatment, risk(s) of the treatment, expected results, and reasonable medical alternatives in terms that the patient understands
  • To give informed, written consent

Following the registration of the patient, s/he will be directed to the nursing triage for vital signs assessment and also to see if the reason for the visit is particularly relevant to the physician. The patient will then go to the physician’s room to give full medical history and undertake a physical examination. This process takes 20-30 minutes per patient giving the patient enough time to present complaints and the physician the required time to make the proper assessment. Washington Healthcare Center strongly believes in offering about half an hour per patient for effective physical examination and history taking. With the impression the physician will have from the initial physical exam and medical history, the physician will then determine if additional investigation such as laboratory, radiology, or other tests is required. The patient shall receive treatment in a form of doctor advice, medication, surgery, health education, and other therapy. Whenever needed, the patient may also be referred to another doctor with a relevant specialty for better care and management.                      
A patient who requires follow-up will be given advice and an appointment as to when to return to his/her doctor. If required, the physician and/or the nursing staff would make a follow-up phone call to the patient to assess progress and answer any questions the patient may have.


Services at WMC-Bole Rwanda:

Customer service                
Emergency Service                
Advanced Ambulance Service                
Outpatient Department                
Inpatient Care Services                
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)                 
Diagnostic Imaging;                
Dialysis Service                
Laboratory Services                
Covid 19 PCR Testing